90 years experience in the tin industry

The International Tin Association (formerly ITRI Ltd) is the only organisation dedicated to supporting the tin industry and expanding tin use. 

We represent global tin producers and are a focal point for discussion and action on important regional and global issues affecting the tin industry.

Our teams work to promote the tin industry worldwide, providing authority, leadership and voice.

Our Vision

To lead the global tin industry towards a sustainable future, championing innovation, responsible practices, and collaboration across the supply chain, to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow

Delivering the future of tin



Collection and sharing Information with all leading companies.
Providing reliable information on tin applications, sustainability and markets.


Listening to and speaking on behalf of all our members. Supporting tin use through co-operative projects.


Communicating a positive and progressive future for the whole industry


Welcome to the International Tin Association.

Established in 1932 in London, UK our organisation has evolved to recognise a broad range of tin industry issues and expanded activities in areas such as market analysis, technology, sustainability, and regulatory affairs.

Now, as the International Tin Association we represent more than two thirds of global tin production with a significant tin user engagement.

I hope that you enjoy our website which provides a wealth of information and insight to the world of tin.

The success of International Tin is dependent on the dedication and hard work of our staff, strong support from our members, and our large network of global contacts. I would like to thank you all for your continued support.


Helen Prins
Chief Executive Officer
International Tin Association


Tin production directly represented

Years of tin industry leadership

Tonnes refined tin used in 2022

TIN2030: A Vision for Tin Report

A major new strategic report on ITA's Vision for Tin. This thought-leading initiative has been compiled in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders from across the sector. 

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China Tin Annual Report 2023

The pivotal position of China in the global tin market is both underscored and explored in unprecedented detail within our 2023 report.

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