Tin in Thermoelectric Materials
Scientists discover why tin harvests heat so well
Thermoelectric materials are key to reducing the amount of energy that is lost as heat during electricity generation. In the US, it is estimated that 60% of the energy that goes into the economy is lost to the environment as waste heat. Recapturing just a small...
Researchers push forward on tin heat harvesting materials
Several teams of researchers have published new results for tin selenide heat harvesting materials that can be used to convert waste heat to electricity. Tin selenide has been known for some time to be the ‘most promising’ candidate for such materials but there has...
Tin sulphide can produce electricity from waste heat in metal smelting plants
Researchers at MIT, US have shown that molten tin sulphide can be used on the large scale to capture waste heat from metals smelting plants and convert it to electricity, making operations more sustainable. The molten material can be used inside a metal jacket around...